Pit Bull Terrier : : Male (neutered) : : Adult
Hugo AKA Hugo Boss AKA Mr. Handsome is ready for his forever home!
He is a big boy weighing in at 80 lbs. He knows basic commands, very food motivated and is eager to please. Hugo gets along great with other dogs and some cats. If the cat runs, he may chase but he is great with a confident, friendly cat. Hugo loves to play, fetch and lounge around on the couch. He has a happy go lucky personality and NEVER meets a stranger. He is great with people of all sizes. As with most dogs, he sometimes doesn't realize his size.
Hugo walks himself on a leash
He would make a great addition to any family. He enjoys going for walks and playing outside but also loves being a couch potato & snuggling up with his person. He loves to play with his rope toy. ❤️ Hugo is fully vetted and microchipped. He is house & kennel trained. If you are looking for a beautiful, fun loving, genuinely good dog, Hugo is it. More about HugoGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle, Goofy Videos of Hugo: